
Fall is definitely in the air in the Northwest. Eric and I walked around the neighborhood tonight and enjoyed the sights and smells of autumn weather. We're taking in as much as we can before the rainy season starts!

Last weekend we rode around town and ended up at the fish hatchery; a big crowd had gathered to watch the salmon swim upsteam. It's such a neat thing to see- by the time they reach the hatchery they're pretty beat, but they're still trying so hard to jump up the fish ladder.

Right now we've got a lot of things on our plate. Currently our biggest task is planning our vacation in November. We both have the time off...but we haven't picked a destination yet! We've got it narrowed down to either Australia (again) or Belize/Guatemala. South America sounds great and the flights are much cheaper, but you have to pay a lot of money to stay in a relatively safe location, and you can't really go off on your own. When you add that up, we can go all the way to Oz and camp and pay the same amount of money. Oh yeah, we don't have to worry about being kidnapped either. Regardless, we need to make up our mind soon before ticket prices get any higher!

Time to sign off-the highly anticipated season premiere of Lost is on in a few minutes. We cannot wait! :) Check back tomorrow for commentary...

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