
I know, I know...I haven't updated the site in a while. Usually this means nothing exciting has happened, but lately I've just been too busy to post. Here's a quick update:

-Last week I went to Atlanta for a tradeshow (Medtrade). I surprised myself and had a good time. I flew in early and met up with my parents at Darryl's house in Greenville for a couple days. It was great to see everyone, especially my nephew Kaden. Here's a shot of Becky, Kaden, Darryl and myself:

-This weekend we went down to Oakridge, OR for the Wicked 24 hour race. Eric was a last minute addition to Robin, Scott and Yumay's team. From what I hear the course was brutal and unfortunately Yumay and Eric dropped out around 4am. Carol and I acted as the team support crew and probably got about an hour of sleep that night. I had a great time meeting some new friends and even managed to squeeze in a trail run on Saturday afternoon. Here's the team leaving the kayak transition area:

That's about it...

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