
Poland- day 3

We spent the morning at Auschwitz and Birkenau. There's not much to say about these places really. Auschwitz looked like a park with the trees, grass and brick buildings. That is, until you see things like the mounds of human hair, a room full of shoes and the gas chamber. Birkenau was another story. At one time it was covered with hundreds of crude wooden barracks but only a few are still standing. The brick chimneys remain though and they stretch as far as the eye can see. The most ominous structure is the brick entrance and watchtower (as seen in Schindler's List). Sad.

Later that afternoon Jana invited us to dinner at their home. Their home is really neat- it's an old flat (more than a hundred years old) and is filled with all sorts of books and antiques. We had a traditional Polish dinner of beet soup, beef and potatoes, and an assortment of sweets for dessert. Of course no visit to a Polish home would be complete with out the vodka! Ugh. We at dinner in the building's brick courtyard. It was so beatiful. Well, minus the endless cooing of pigeons.

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