
SCC #6- Bremerton

I have to say I wasn't really prepared for Sunday's race. A week of travel (which included a lot of eating, drinking and standing around) followed by a week of laziness is not considered good training. Oh well! We got up pretty early (well, after several snooze alarms) and caught the 7:40 ferry to Bremerton. Once we arrived I rode a practice lap and then settled in for a warmup on the trainer. The course varied quite a bit-lots of pavement, lots of mud, and some MTB-style singletrack. Did I mention that we got to ride through 2 barns? I had a bad line going into the first two turns and was nearly cut off both times. I had to work really had to get back in the race and passed quite a few girls on that first lap. Laps 2, 3, and 4 were tough- the singletrack was fast but once I hit the muddy part I slowed to a crawl. On lap #5 I was able to pass one more racer to finish in 7th out of 23.
At the start line:

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