
Eric's first CX race

No, you're not seeing things- this is a photo of Eric from today's CX race! He finally gave it a try and did OK. No crashes but he did manage to take out a section of the FSA banner...LOL.


SCC #6- Bremerton

I have to say I wasn't really prepared for Sunday's race. A week of travel (which included a lot of eating, drinking and standing around) followed by a week of laziness is not considered good training. Oh well! We got up pretty early (well, after several snooze alarms) and caught the 7:40 ferry to Bremerton. Once we arrived I rode a practice lap and then settled in for a warmup on the trainer. The course varied quite a bit-lots of pavement, lots of mud, and some MTB-style singletrack. Did I mention that we got to ride through 2 barns? I had a bad line going into the first two turns and was nearly cut off both times. I had to work really had to get back in the race and passed quite a few girls on that first lap. Laps 2, 3, and 4 were tough- the singletrack was fast but once I hit the muddy part I slowed to a crawl. On lap #5 I was able to pass one more racer to finish in 7th out of 23.
At the start line:


Scc #4- Donida Farms

Mudfest 2008. That's all I have to say about today's race at Donida Farms. It rained all morning and turned most of the course into the stuff that cyclocross dreams are made of. I didn't know there could be so many forms of mud- at times it resembled brownie batter, wet cement, and even wet clay (on the run-ups of course). I had a decent start and hung with the top riders for maybe two laps, but then started losing steam on the thick, sloppy singlegtrack (imagine riding through wet concrete). It was easily the hardest race I've ever done and surprisingly I came in 8th. Crazy!! Thank you J&S for being my cheerleading squad- next time I will furnish you with skirts and pom-poms :) Click here for a few more photos.


Eric's trip to China

Eric just posted some of his pictures from China- click here to see them!

Day in Photos

I found the camera in my bag yesterday so I took some photos...

Here's my desk. And yes, I do wear sandals when it's raining in October. Note the awful flourescent glow in our office.

Susan brought Dakota.

I think he came down with "Varilitis"

Ah, the drive home. Thanks to an accident near our exit, my commute went from 30min to over an hour. I had a lot of time to take photos... Here's the"parking lot" at exit 17:

The RV park that's pretty much full year-round. I wonder if people live there.

Issaquah has these funny little clouds that hover over the valley.
