
Hot hot hot!

It is downright toasty here in Seattle. The phrase of the day has been "I'm not complaining or anything, but it's really hot." Once again Eric and I wonder how we ever lived in this heat for nearly 5 years. Anyway... Saturday was the first annual Primal Smith "fun" adventure race. I think the heat got to everyone and all teams stopped after the mountain bike section. Despite the heat, crashes, and bike malfunctions, I think people really enjoyed the tough course.

Eric and I set part of the course in the morning. Here is is trudging up the 60-step quad-buster in our neighborhood:

Self portrait:

Today we hammered out a few fast laps at Seatac:
Making a face as I push uphill:
"You could be playing golf"...true, but I'd rather ride my bike, thank you.

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