
Hot hot hot!

It is downright toasty here in Seattle. The phrase of the day has been "I'm not complaining or anything, but it's really hot." Once again Eric and I wonder how we ever lived in this heat for nearly 5 years. Anyway... Saturday was the first annual Primal Smith "fun" adventure race. I think the heat got to everyone and all teams stopped after the mountain bike section. Despite the heat, crashes, and bike malfunctions, I think people really enjoyed the tough course.

Eric and I set part of the course in the morning. Here is is trudging up the 60-step quad-buster in our neighborhood:

Self portrait:

Today we hammered out a few fast laps at Seatac:
Making a face as I push uphill:
"You could be playing golf"...true, but I'd rather ride my bike, thank you.



Here are some pics from Eric's Mt. Rainier trip!


Finally- a taste of summer!

We've had some nice weather the past few days (finally). On Sunday Robin and I headed out on an Eastside road ride along Lake Samm., up to Fall city and back to Issaquah.

Mt. Si in the distance:

Robin heading up the hill:

Local "wildlife"

Right now Eric should be safely back at the Rainier base camp. I'm sure he'll have plenty of photos to post tomorrow!


Sunny Sunday

Rick, Jen, Robin, Eric and I rode at Tiger today. The weather was awesome! We even got to watch a couple paragliders take off from Poo Poo point.

An over-the shoulder shot of Eric with Jen not far behind:

Eric and Robin:

Rick's throughly enjoying the nice weather.

Taking a break at the top.


Back from the Midwest

We just got back from a trip to the Midwest. Eric spent a couple days in Chicago with Joe and Jamie before meeting up with me in Michigan, where we visited family and celebrated my mom's 60th birthday. As usual the trip was too short. The weather was HOT and a welcome change from Seattle's crappy summer.

Check out the photos here.


"Summer" in Seattle

It's that time of year again...when it's 57 degrees and cloudy here while the rest of the US is experiencing nice warm weather. It was downright cold on today's hike. Robin and I hit Tiger 3, 2, and 1, then circled around to Poo Poo point and back down. Here's a shot of our glorious summer weather from one of the peaks (I kinda thought it looked like a scene from the set of Lost!):
