It's raining men, cats and dogs, and pretty much anything else you can think of right now. Combined with the wind it sounds like a giant carwash. Rainy season is officially here! Too bad all this precipitation isn't in the form of snow :(
Last weekend we tried to see Borat with Jerry and Stacy, but every theater was sold out. As a last resort we rented a Jet-Li flick. On Saturday we went out to eat with J&S then met up with some Michigan AR folks at Acme Bowl. I bowled my worst game ever (note to self- 2006 bowling quota has been met). Sunday was partially dry so Eric and I managed to squeeze in a hike at Tiger.
I've been mentally compiling a short list of races,events and trips for 2007. Better write them down before I forget:
*Capital Peaks 25K- January
*Some off road duathlon that Jerry told me about-March?
*Sea Otter MTB race-April. Kind of a stretch b/c it's in California.
*Big Muddy Rogaine- May (Memorial Day weekend)
*Vashon Island off-road triathlon (we'll see how the swimming part goes before signing up)
*Labor Day weekend-Moab trip??
*Iceman Cometh MTB race-November. It's in Michgan but well worth the trip.
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