
Hello from Costa Rica! Our trip has been awesome so far! It is sunny and warm, and we just trekked in the jungle today and saw wild Toucans! I will write more later this week!


Holy Schnikes! My dad just received his 40 year award at Ford. I think they should give him a free Mustang for that kind of service!

Well, we leave in a few hours for C.R. We are armed with 3 memory cards, so I'll have a lot of photos to post when we return.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Last weekend, Julie, Ryan and Keiran came out to visit. We spent time at the market, checked out shops in Fremont and Ballard, and just hung out at home. It's amazing to see how much Keiran has grown since the last time we saw him. At age two his favorite hobbies include watching Mary Poppins and playing with his stuffed animals. Here's a shot of Julie and Eric in Seattle:

The countdown has begun- we leave for Costa Rica in 8 days!


It's raining men, cats and dogs, and pretty much anything else you can think of right now. Combined with the wind it sounds like a giant carwash. Rainy season is officially here! Too bad all this precipitation isn't in the form of snow :(

Last weekend we tried to see Borat with Jerry and Stacy, but every theater was sold out. As a last resort we rented a Jet-Li flick. On Saturday we went out to eat with J&S then met up with some Michigan AR folks at Acme Bowl. I bowled my worst game ever (note to self- 2006 bowling quota has been met). Sunday was partially dry so Eric and I managed to squeeze in a hike at Tiger.

I've been mentally compiling a short list of races,events and trips for 2007. Better write them down before I forget:

*Capital Peaks 25K- January
*Some off road duathlon that Jerry told me about-March?
*Sea Otter MTB race-April. Kind of a stretch b/c it's in California.
*Big Muddy Rogaine- May (Memorial Day weekend)
*Vashon Island off-road triathlon (we'll see how the swimming part goes before signing up)
*Labor Day weekend-Moab trip??
*Iceman Cometh MTB race-November. It's in Michgan but well worth the trip.


Trick-or-treating must not be very popular anymore- we only had a dozen or so kids stop by on Halloween. Bummer. Now we have 4 bags of candy that need to be eaten.