
Last weekend we actually got out of town and went camping! We haven't camped all summer and it was starting to bother us...I think I heard our tent crying out in the garage. After work on Friday we dropped Daisy off at the bird sitter and headed up to the North Cascades National Park. That evening we stayed at Rockport state park, which is full of tall trees with moss hanging from them-very beautiful. Oh yes, the park had hot showers too, which are always welcome after a long hike. So much for roughing it!

The next morning we headed up to Sahale Peak. We stopped short of the glacier and sat down for lunch with a great 360 view of rugged peaks. There was quite a bit of wildlife on the trail and we even saw a mountain goat with a kid in tow.

Later that night we had an excellent dinner at the "world famous" Buffalo Run cafe (well, only famous in that corner of the world) and made s'mores over the campfire. I had a good time buring marshmallows over the fire too :)

Click here for some photos from the hike.

What a great weekend. It was nice to just hike for once and not stress out over training.

Our '06 adventure racing season is officially over- we'd rather go on a 2-week vacation instead of doing the Wicked 24 hour race. So it looks like we'll take the next month to relax and then start gearing up for winter sports. I'm hoping for a lot of snow so I can XC ski race this winter.

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