
Back to blogging

I'm sure personal blogging took a hit from Facebook. Guilty! It is definitely easier to post a one-sentence status update than write paragraphs (I wonder if future generations will only communicate in short sentences limited to X number of characters?).

However I feel that something is lost on FB; those short posts don't allow users to explain, elaborate or describe. I do love social media but I am willing to give blogging another chance.

So here we go!


Asia 101

Unlike most people in Seattle, I've never been to Asia for work, to visit family, whatever. And quite frankly I had no interest in going. So, when Eric said he wanted to go to Borneo (more specifically Malaysia) I had some reservations.

Malaysia is a great "starter" Asian country to visit. We found that most people speak English (at least enough to complete a store transaction), most signs are in English (handly when navigating a city) and it's not too crowded/chaotic like Hong Kong or Tokyo. More blog posts to come...


Catching up...

A lot has happened in six months. Well, not really but time sure does fly...

Of note:
1. We finally sold our house! We're now happy West Seattle residents and are renting a qurky mid-century in the Admiral district. It's nice to be near the ocean, although I do miss the trees of Issaquah. But not the commute.

2. We went on the Abraham family reunion trip to Key West. Good times.

3. We're going to Borneo in June. The itinerary is finally coming together and we can't wait.

That's it. Due to the move I am just getting back into riding...it's a slow and painful process! I hope to be in good enough shape for July's crits and maybe the Capitol Forest 50-miler in August.


Winter doldrums

Ah, the PNW winter doldrums...they last from January through May it seems.

CX season ended nearly a month ago. I've been super active, just not on the bike. We've done a lot of hiking, snowshoeing and gym cardio. I'm really determined to lost the "cyclocross 5" that I gained during the season (reduced workout hours and same level of eating...doh).

I have a TON of motivation right now but I don't know what to do with it. My interests are all over the place:
-Road racing- new cycling discipline for me
-Endurance MTB- should I defend my title in Spokane? Or take a shot at Leadville instead?
-Endurace running- I'd love to do a 50K but I might have to delay training b/c of my knee.

Hmmm...lots of decisions to be made in the coming weeks.

End of season CX recap

USGP in Portland: We spent the first weekend in December down in Portland for the USGP. I only raced on Saturday so I would have fresh legs for Nationals. I raced with the women's B's (last B race ever BTW) and was really disappointed with the small field size- I've heard about the crazy 200-woman fields and we had maybe 20 racers tops.

I started in the 3rd row, quickly moved up to 2nd and stayed there the entire race. The course was SO slow, it was really weird. On the last lap I could feel my collarbone throbbing, most likely from when I crashed back in September, and that really sucked. I just barely fended off 3rd place (the girl I've been trying to beat for a year) with a sprint to the finish.

Nationals: Last year's race, well, sucked. I was really looking forward to this year's event and a chance to redeem myself. Early on I pondered doing the Elite race, but looking at last year's results almost all of the Seattle women were pulled with many laps to go. SO...I stuck with my age group race instead (which still has pros in it). I missed my time trial start so I used Thursday to scout the course and fit in 3 laps. Not as snowy as last year and lots more mud.

Race day was pretty relaxed for most part. We scored a great parking spot, got set up on one of the awesome LeMond trainers and had a nice long warmup. LeMond even provided propane heaters for us!

I was the very LAST person to get called up. It turned out to be OK because 5 seconds after the start a lot of women went down. I still had to dismount but was able to come out unscathed. I think if I had done the TT I would've started right in the middle of that mess. Yea for being a slacker! I settled in quickly, was able to pass some women and a few who crashed eventually passed me. It was great to hear so many people cheering for me! I managed to pass someone right on the final stretch- it was awesome. I ended up 18th, which is a huge improvement over last year!

2011: Cross season is going to be NUTS next year. I have some very exciting plans in the works...more details later!