
24 Hours Round the Clock

Most people celebrate their birthday in a rather traditional way- dinner, party, bar hopping, whatever. I opted to ride my bike in circles for 24 hours. Huh? Back in January I had this grand idea to ride the 24 hours of Spokane..solo. This is actually quite funny because I do not have an endurance muscle in my body- how would I survive riding for 24 hours?

After a brutal 7 hour drive (thank you traffic jam) we rolled into the campground and set up shop outside the VanderWaal family "house on wheels". I barely slept that night- was it from anxiety or the constantly slamming door of the port-a-potty? We woke early on Saturday, made some last minute tweaks to my bike then had an awesome pancake breakfast courtesy of Aaron's mom.

I finally had the "why the hell did I sign up for this" moment as I put on my team kit. And then Rebecca Rusch rolls by and I feel my stomach turn over. OK, I know I'm not here to compete but when the world champion shows up you can't help but feel inadequate. Fortunately for me she was on a relay team...whew!

The race went something like this:
-Lap 1: LeMans start and then I spent the rest of the lap figuring out the course.
-Lap 2: Faster than #1, nothing remarkable.
-Lap 3: I now refer to this lap as the "dark ages". I was hot and getting totally abused by the rocky course. Fortunately Eric found someone to adjust my fork and I am eternally grateful to the guy in the black hat (I never did find out his name).
-Lap 4: Smokin'! I felt so much better.
-Laps 5-7: Ok, just plodding along at my snail's pace. Started to walk some of the hills. Saw a couple teenage guys streak across the course (hey, it kept me awake). When I was done with #7 I realized my goal of 9 laps was in sight. So I kept going.
-Laps 8-9: Nothing special. I rode #9 quickly because I knew a nap was waiting for me back at camp.
-Naptime: I gave Eric strict orders to wake me up after an hour. Ha! After a 5 minute conversation that consisted of "wake up!" (Eric) and "go away!" (me) he gave up and let me sleep.
-Lap 10- This one almost didn't happen. I was kind of happy with my 9 laps but Eric convinced me to go out again. I was feeling a bit ragged and rode pretty slowly.
-Lap 11- Exhausted. In pain. On the verge of tears. When I started sniffling I knew this was my last lap. I pictured Tom Hanks saying "There's no crying in bike racing!". I was SO happy to be finished!!

I came in 7th out of 10 which I'm super happy about. And, I was only two measly minutes behind 5th place. Click here for few pictures!


Crazy Daisy

I've been searching high and low for a perch that Daisy cannot climb down from. Not easy when you own a cockatoo. The nice lady at the bird store just happened to have an old one in storage and gave it to me. Score! Well, not really...as you can see Daisy is already hard at work trying to figure out a way off it. Ugh!



Eric and Robin are training for the Yukon River Quest and have been spending a lot of time on the water. Here are a few pics from yesterday's paddle.

(Insert ominous music here)

In case you didn't already know, I'm getting ready to ride (notice I didn't say compete) in my first solo 24-hour mountain bike race. Yes, that means riding my bike for an entire day. I'm beginning to think I'm crazy. But, even crazy people must have some goals, so here are mine for the race:

1. Finish 9 laps (135 miles)
2. Sleep for no more than 30 minutes at a time. I feel sorry for the person that wakes me up!
3. No crashes
4. No bonking
5. Remember that I'm only doing this for fun, not to race.