Evergreen high school isn't one of my favorite venues but certainly not the worst (which is Kelly Creek by the way)- it's got a lot of grassy turns and a huge sandy run-up. The weather this morning was nice- sunny and in the 60's. I hate to say it, but I was secretly hoping for rain and mud. This is Seattle after all so I'm sure I'll get my wish eventually. We arrived really early so I had plenty of time to warm up...and worry about getting my butt kicked. Finally we lined up and I squeezed into the second row. I stayed around mid-pack but was in some serious pain. My mouth was super dry and I couldn't breathe well. Ugh. That first run-up was pure torture. I definitely need to get out and run more! The next two laps were marginal then I finally perked up and got back in race. Eventually I was lapped by one of the men, so I hopped on his wheel, held on for dear life and passed one girl. Thank you random guy! Then right at the end two more guys passed and I used their momentum to pick off two more girls.
After a grueling 38 minutes I came in 6th out of 21. I was aiming for top 10 so this was a nice surprise, given the fact that I've been sick and it's the first race of the series.