
We just got back from a weekend in Michigan. The main reason we flew home was for Joe and Jamie's wedding, which was at the St. John center in Plymouth. Both the ceremony and reception were beautiful!

The other reason I went back to Michigan was for my 10-year high school reunion. It was actually a lot of fun and I had a great time catching up with old friends.

Here's a shot of Eric and I at the wedding:


Last weekend Robin, Eric and I raced in the Seattle Night and Day Challenge.

The race started at 4pm in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. The first 8 hours were on foot and we travelled all the way down to Sodo (of course stopping for milk tea in the international district), over to Beacon Hill and back up through Madison Park. Did I mention it was HOT out? It was probably the hottest day of the year, and of course we were out at the hottest part of the day. Eric and I kept cool by running through sprinklers along the course :) One of the strangest things we saw was a dog standing on the roof of a house- I have no idea how it got up there.

Despite the urban setting our route did not have many food stops along the way. When I finally convinced the guys it was time to eat, we found ourselves in the middle of nowhere with no food in sight (only Ethiopian restarants). It was by sheer luck that Jerry called and offered to bring us food. Yea! We met up with him and Stacy around 10pm for an impromptu meal of burgers and fries. That was the best meal I've had in a long time.

After the snack we trudged back up to the race headquarters and changed into our bike clothes-it was time for the 8 hour bike portion of the race. The bike section was tricky because there were a ton of cars downtown and no one expected to see a group of road riders that late at night. The bike route took us up the Queen Anne hill (with an awesome view of the city), over to Ballard and through the U-district, then finally going around Lake Union and back to the finish line. We eventually rolled in around 7:15am, just as the hot sun was starting to come out again. We put in some serious miles over 16 hours! No wonder we're all sore and tired today!


Last Tuesday night's training consisted of a bike nav course at Taylor Mountain. This was my first time navigating and I think I did Ok for most part. Here we are studying the map board:


Today we hiked up to Granite Peak. It was a pretty steep trail but the views were great.

It's hard to believe this is only 30 miles from our house!


I think we're volunteering at the Trioba 12 hour adventure race this weekend. We have a cheesy surprise up our sleeves for this...

Looking ahead:
-Robin, Eric and I are teaming up to do the Seattle Night and Day Challenge on the 22nd. We're in the 16 hour duathalon division.
-We're heading back to Michigan the following weekend to attend a wedding and my 10-year high school reunion (yikes!).


Here's a Raid video clip from one of Boise's TV stations. It's pretty cool (note-you have to watch a short commercial before the clip begins).

Raid Video Clip

Today a big group of us went to the International district for Dim Sum, which was awesome as usual. We had alot of Dim Sum first-timers today, and it's always interesting to see them try and figure out what some of the foods are. Mike Cortez was even brave enough to try the chicken feet. No thanks!

There was some sort of street fair going on with an appearance by the Seahawk's mascot, Blitz. Eric told me to do a Heisman tropy pose, which I didn't know how to do so I asked Blitz and he just shrugged his shoulders. Some mascot!

Later that afternoon Eric and I went to the Mariners/Tigers game (thanks for the tickets Stacy). Unfortunately Detroit lost by one run...


Over the weekend we re-traced part of last year's Trioba 12 hour race by heading up to Mirror Lake. It was great but half the trail was still covered in snow. On the 4th we went for a long ride then over to our neighbor's BBQ for the remainder of the evening.


What a nice weekend! The sun is out, temps are around 80 degrees...

This morning we went kayaking on Lake Sammamish, then picked up some paint for our great room. Here's a shot of our house with our garden in full bloom.